i have put in /u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/ 2 files: -trust.jks -identity.jks Then i have changed on Webblogic console, for Admin and managed servers, the PATH to: -Custom Identity Keystore -Custom Trust Keystore
All looks good.
After weblogic restarts all servers are running, but
when i run this command on terminal ps -eaf|grep weblogic
i see this line:
As a result no one of my online interfaces are connecting. I get the following error:
BEA-382513<con:reason>OSB Replace action failed updating variable "body": {err}FORG0005: expected exactly one item, got 0 items</con:reason>
Can someone help me to correct the path for my Servers so that it would look for trust.jks and not the DemoTrust.jks?
The way to fix this is by setting the flag on "SSL Listen Port Enabled"
thet can be found
Home >Summary of Environment >Summary of Servers >AdminServer -> Configuration/General.
After this we need to go to this view:
Home>Summary of Environment >Summary of Servers >AdminServer >Summary of Servers->Control
Select AdminServer and Click on Restart SSL. To see if changes bin done we need to execute the command:
ps -eaf|grep weblogic
and look for
If the end has the trust key file,in my case i called it trust.jks, then the change was performed successfully.