I would like to know how to find an image tag in a string of HTML that has dimensions of 1x1, basically I am looking for tracking pixels. So for example:
<img src=\"http://somewhere.com\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\" style=\"display:none!important;\">
My end goal is to be able to find this part of the code and remove it from the string.
I have read few a few posts already on how to find all img tags but that is not what I am looking for. I only want the img tags that are 1x1.
Can anyone help with this?
If you just want to remove this img
tags from your string, you can do that with regexp:
string result = Regex.Replace(html, "<img.+?(width|height)=[\"']1[\"'].+?(width|height)=[\"']1[\"'].*>", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);