I am using Visual Studio Online for continuous integration. I've also enabled integration with Slack (posting build status) and GitHub (validating pull requests).
In both of these integrations I am missing one feature - posting build error log to either Slack or GitHub (for example, as a comment to the pull request). This might substantially improve reaction time, since you don't need to go to the failed build (often re-login to VSO), find errors in the log, etc.
Did any of you guys manage to get this working somehow?
You can use web hook to return VSTS build error message to slack or do some actions (create issue, close pull request etc) on github.
Web hook for VSTS build failed.
Develop a website to receive information, queue VSTS build and close pull request on github.
Add a build definition with Post To Slack task, when your VSTS build failed, your website will queue this build.
VSTS project -> Service Hooks -> Create subscription -> Web hooks -> Next -> select Build completed to trigger this event -> select your CI build definition -> set Build Status to Failed -> Next -> set your website address to URL -> test if it works for your website -> Finish.
After your website receiving message from web hooks, trigger below actions: