Does anyone know the particular algorithm for Probabilistic Hough Transform in the OpenCV's implementation? I mean, is there a reference paper or documentation about the algorithm?
To get the idea, I can certainly look into the source code, but I wonder if there is any documentation about it. -- it's not in the source code's comments (OpenCV 1.0).
Thank you!
Here's an article about the Randomized Hough Transform which i believe to be the same as the "probabilistic Hough transform" used in OpenCV
basically, you dont fill up the accumulator for all points but choose a set of points with a certain criteria to fill up the Hough transform.
The consequence is that sometimes, you could miss the actual line if there wasnt eenough points ot start with. I guess you'd want to use this if you have somewhat linear structures so that most points would be redundant. reference no 2: L. Xu, E. Oja, and P. Kultanan, "A new curve detection method: Randomized Hough transform (RHT)", Pattern Recog. Lett. 11, 1990, 331-338.
I also read about some pretty different approaches where the algorithms would take two points and compute the point in the middle of those two points. if the point is an edge point, then we'd accumulate the bin for that line. This is apparently extremely fast but you'd assume a somewhat non-sparse matrix as you could easily miss lines if there wasnt enough edge points to start with.