I have two backends in order to maintain two sets of rules in my application. One for the main website accessed via the browser (cookied sessions), and one for the API (stateless and authenticated by an API key).
The config looks like this (greatly simplified).
option httpchk HEAD /ping
backend web
cookie _srv insert indirect
server srv1 cookie srv1 check inter 10s
server srv2 cookie srv2 check inter 10s
backend api
stick-table type string len 50 expire 1d store http_req_cnt
stick on url_param(key)
server srv1 check inter 10s
server srv2 check inter 10s
As shown, both backends use the same servers, except that the API need not set a cookie. There is (or will be) much more to separate the logic, such as rate limiting rules.
My question is how can I avoid duplicating the health checks? It's waste of resources to ping the same endpoint twice for each server. I would like to let the web
backend do the health check and mark the api
backend as up or down along with it. Is this possible? Or perhaps there's a better way to separate the back ends but keep common functions.
track [<proxy>/]<server>
This option enables ability to set the current state of the server by tracking another one. It is possible to track a server which itself tracks another server, provided that at the end of the chain, a server has health checks enabled. If is omitted the current one is used. If
is used, it has to be enabled on both proxies.http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.6/configuration.html#5.2-track
This goes in the server
backend api
server srv1 track web/srv1
server srv2 track web/srv2
This is from 1.6, but later versions should be the same. The feature exists in 1.5 and 1.4, also. It may exist in previous versions, but those are unmaintained and you shouldn't be using them.