I have a FactServiceRequest (FctSR) table and a FactSRActions (FctSRA) table, the FctSR table is linked using Regular dimensions to
The FctSRA has regular dimensions to
Each of the fact tables works well in isolation, however I am struggling to combine the results into one set.
So, I am looking to get:
FctSR.ID,FctSR.Details, FctSRA.Actions,FctSRA.ActionCode,FctSRA.ActionDate for each FctSR.ID
The tables have a degeneratekey in common if that helps.
Can anyone suggest how to put these on the SSAS DimensionUsage tab please?
I am using VS 2015 on a SQL Server 2016.
Thank you.
Fact Service Request Action measure group currently joins to the Fact Service Request dimension via a many-to-many relationship. I believe you need to add a new column (if it doesn't already exist) to FctSRA which is the foreign key to FctSR. Then change that relationship in the Dimension Usage tab to a regular relationship. Frankly I'm not sure how the other many-to-many relationship is working properly now with no common dimensions.