I have data frame where i need to find difference but for every alternate row the difference should stay same as the things to do are same like this:
but I have used this:
things <- data.frame( category = c("A","B","A","B","A","B","A","B","A","B"),
things2do = c("ball","ball","bat","bat","hockey","hockey","volley ball","volley ball","foos ball","foos ball"),
number = c(12,5,4,1,0,2,2,0,0,2))
things %>%
mutate(diff = number - lead(number,order_by=things2do))
but it is not helpful,as I am getting this:
Can i get some help here?
things2 <- things %>%
spread(category, number) %>%
mutate(diff = B - A) %>%
gather(category, number, A:B) %>%
select(category, things2do, number, diff) %>%