I am trying to save data from my app to a file, and than save this file on my PC. I've read many tutorials about file creation on external storage. Following this guides, i created the code below. The phone has no SD card, the external storage is on the internal memory. So there is my problem: the file exsist after using the "writeFunc", but it is empty. No any exception is thrown. I tryed this part with all of the existing flags, sadly with no result:
FileOutputStream fOut = openFileOutput( fileStruct.getName(), MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
The setReadable and setWritable functions return with "false", but no exception.
What should i do otherwise?
package com.track.fos;
//imports are okay
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
public TextView textBox;
private File fileStruct;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
textBox = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
fileStruct = new File( Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM), "lufiTestFile.txt" );
public void writeFunc(View view) {
textBox.append("\nFilestruct to string: " + fileStruct.toString());
Log.d("External storage state", Environment.getExternalStorageState(fileStruct));
try {
boolean stateInfo = fileStruct.exists();
textBox.append("\nexist: " + stateInfo);
if( !stateInfo ){
//stateInfo = fileStruct.mkdirs();
//textBox.append("\nmake dirs: " + stateInfo);
stateInfo = fileStruct.createNewFile();
textBox.append("\ncreateNewFile: " + stateInfo);
stateInfo = fileStruct.setReadable( true , false);
textBox.append("\nsetReadable: " + stateInfo);
stateInfo = fileStruct.setWritable( true, false );
textBox.append("\nsetWritable: " + stateInfo);
FileOutputStream fOut = openFileOutput( fileStruct.getName(), MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
fOut.write("Test text hopefuly inside the file.".getBytes());
textBox.append("\nFile written");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("File write throws",e.getCause().toString());
textBox.append("\nFile write failed");
public void readFunc(View view) {
try {
FileInputStream fin = openFileInput( fileStruct.getName() );
int c;
String temp = "";
while ((c = fin.read()) != -1) {
temp = temp + Character.toString((char) c);
textBox.append("\n" + temp);
} catch (Exception e) {
textBox.append("\nFile read failed");
FileOutputStream fOut = openFileOutput( fileStruct.getName(), MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
That will not open a FileOutputStream
for a file on external storage. openFileOutput()
writes to internal storage.
Replace that with:
FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(fileStruct);
You will also need to ensure that the file gets indexed, so other apps and desktop OSes can see it.