Could be a basic question but i am not able to find any manual. I installed Sitecore ship via nuget package The Sitecore ship is installed. I have a update package created by TDS. i now need to install this. When I hit the url
i get a 404.
I am not sure what to do next.
where do i give the path of the package?
Am i missing anything else?
Sitecore version 8.1
S.ship version 0.4
You'll want to issue a POST request to the /services/package/install/fileupload
and pass it the location of an update package file to uload to the server.
An Example would be something like
POST /services/package/install/fileupload HTTP/1.1
Host: shiptester
Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="path"; filename="package.update"
You can reference the Sitecore.Ship Wiki for additional options and feature uses.