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ZF3 - composer require module -> module could not be initialised

I am working with the skeleton-application as a base, using the Vagrant / Composer setup. After the initial install I realised I would need the LDAP module. I then ran composer require zendframework/zend-ldap which ran successfully and I have located the files in ~/vendor/zendframework/zend-ldap.

The issue is when I add 'Zend\Ldap' to my ~/config/modules.config.php I encounter the following error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Zend\ModuleManager\Exception\RuntimeException: Module (Zend\Ldap) could not be initialized. in /var/www/vendor/zendframework/zend-modulemanager/src/ModuleManager.php:203 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/vendor/zendframework/zend-modulemanager/src/ModuleManager.php(175): Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleManager->loadModuleByName(Object(Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent))
#1 /var/www/vendor/zendframework/zend-modulemanager/src/ModuleManager.php(97): Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleManager->loadModule('Zend\\Ldap') #2 /var/www/vendor/zendframework/zend-eventmanager/src/EventManager.php(322): Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleManager->onLoadModules(Object(Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent))
#3 /var/www/vendor/zendframework/zend-eventmanager/src/EventManager.php(171): Zend\EventManager\EventManager->triggerListeners(Object(Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent))
#4 /var/www/vendor/zendframework/zend-modulemanager/src/ModuleManager.php(120): Zend\EventManager\EventManager->triggerEvent(Object(Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent))
#5 /var/www/vendor/zendfr in /var/www/vendor/zendframework/zend-modulemanager/src/ModuleManager.php on line 203

The ~/config/modules.config.php file:

 * List of enabled modules for this application.
 * This should be an array of module namespaces used in the application.
return [
    'Zend\Ldap',    // All is well if this is commented out


and the ~/config/application.config.php file:

 * If you need an environment-specific system or application configuration,
 * there is an example in the documentation
 * @see
 * @see
return [
    // Retrieve list of modules used in this application.
    'modules' => require __DIR__ . '/modules.config.php',

    // These are various options for the listeners attached to the ModuleManager
    'module_listener_options' => [
        // This should be an array of paths in which modules reside.
        // If a string key is provided, the listener will consider that a module
        // namespace, the value of that key the specific path to that module's
        // Module class.
        'module_paths' => [

        // An array of paths from which to glob configuration files after
        // modules are loaded. These effectively override configuration
        // provided by modules themselves. Paths may use GLOB_BRACE notation.
        'config_glob_paths' => [
            realpath(__DIR__) . '/autoload/{{,*.}global,{,*.}local}.php',

        // Whether or not to enable a configuration cache.
        // If enabled, the merged configuration will be cached and used in
        // subsequent requests.
        'config_cache_enabled' => true,

        // The key used to create the configuration cache file name.
        'config_cache_key' => 'application.config.cache',

        // Whether or not to enable a module class map cache.
        // If enabled, creates a module class map cache which will be used
        // by in future requests, to reduce the autoloading process.
        'module_map_cache_enabled' => true,

        // The key used to create the class map cache file name.
        'module_map_cache_key' => 'application.module.cache',

        // The path in which to cache merged configuration.
        'cache_dir' => 'data/cache/',

        // Whether or not to enable modules dependency checking.
        // Enabled by default, prevents usage of modules that depend on other modules
        // that weren't loaded.
        // 'check_dependencies' => true,

    // Used to create an own service manager. May contain one or more child arrays.
    // 'service_listener_options' => [
    //     [
    //         'service_manager' => $stringServiceManagerName,
    //         'config_key'      => $stringConfigKey,
    //         'interface'       => $stringOptionalInterface,
    //         'method'          => $stringRequiredMethodName,
    //     ],
    // ],

    // Initial configuration with which to seed the ServiceManager.
    // Should be compatible with Zend\ServiceManager\Config.
    // 'service_manager' => [],

I have tried removing cache folder, running composer update, restarting Vagrant, adding the full path to the 'modules_path' array in application.config.php but it is always the same error. Interestingly I run into the same issue with 'Zend\View' that was included from the install, but a module such as 'Zend\Session' can be added to the modules.config.php file with no issues (They are all located in the vendor/zendframework directory)

Can anyone point me in the right direction to resolve this issue?


  • Zend\Ldap is one of the ZF components. As it does not have a Module.php in its /src directory which is mandatory for a module. So you do not need to initialize like other modules through modules.config.php to use it in your application.

    This component is not included as required with default installation of ZF. So if you want to use any component, you must add them to autoloader. Once you added a component like this one composer require zendframework/zend-ldap in your project, you would then be able to use it.

    Check this answer and this issue to be clear!