I'm struggling a bit to understand multiple-inheritance. Apparently I chose to solve a very complicated problem that has multiple inheritance and also the diamond problem. Even if I I have found a couple of cases that are similar to my problem, for example this one, my question is is on memory more than order of execution.
Suppose I have the following:
class Matrix {
Matrix(int rows, int Cols) {
// Build matrix of zeros
class Symmetric : public virtual Matrix {
// It's enough to call Matrix constructor using the same number of rows and cols
Symmetric(int size) : Matrix(size, size) {}
class PosDef : public virtual Matrix {
// We need different constructor, matrix of zeros is not pos def
PosDef(int size) {
// Build matrix of ones
class SymmPosDef : public Symmetric, public PosDef {
// We basically want to use the PosDef constructor that gives symmetric matrix
SymmPosDef(int size) : Matrix(size, size), Symmetric(size), PosDef(size) {}
Because I have given non-default constructors the only way to initialise a SymmPosDef
object is with the complicated chain SymmPosDef(int size) : Matrix(size, size), Symmetric(size), PosDef(size) {}
and my question is how many matrices am I building?
Am I allocating space once for Matrix
, once for Symmetric
(which would be the same zero elements) and once for PosDef
or am I reusing the same space?
Because the size of the matrices could be large I want to do the least possible work.
is initialized (from initalizer list) only once, in the most derived class.
But all constructor body will be called.
class SymmPosDef : public Symmetric, public PosDef {
SymmPosDef(int size) : Matrix(size, size), Symmetric(size), PosDef(size) {}
You would have:
Matrix(size, size)
Symmetric(int size) : Matrix(size, size)
skipped)Symmetric(int size)
body (/*Empty*/
).PosDef(int size) : Matrix(size, size
) skipped)PosDef(int size)
body ( /* Build matrix of ones */
)SymmPosDef(int size)
body (/*Empty*/