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Install driver using InstallShield(USB device)

1) I am trying to register the Dll in Installshield based on the Hardware Info(USB\VID_12C1).

-> I want to know the device ID of the USB device connected to PC. Then I want to fetch the USB device info into separate file.

-> From installshield I will pass the USB vendor ID to text file and fetch the USB info.

-> Whether it is possible to do it in Installshield.

The following is the way I am trying to get the device ID:

szProgram = WINDIR ^ "temp" ^ "New" ^ "devcon.exe"; 

szCmdLine = " hwids *";

nvResult = LaunchAppAndWait(szProgram, szCmdLine, LAAW_OPTION_WAIT);

if (nvResult = 0) then

  MessageBox ("ERROR: application created sucfuly", INFORMATION);


  MessageBox ("ERROR: application", INFORMATION);


-> While installing the Installer trying to execute "devcon.exe hwids *" through LaunchAppandwait Api. It will list the number of devices connected to my PC. I want to save the device list in text file. ISSUE: -> Unable to store the result in text file.

Please provide some ideas to store the device list into file and fetch the required device list.


  • As far as I understand correctly you would like to know if certain device available on the system. For this purpose I would suggest to have a look on DevCon Find command, instead of getting entire list of devices. For example:

    devcon find *USB\VID_046D*

    If you insist to get the entire list of devices, and want to get it into the file you may look at this answer: Capturing stdOutput and stdError from LaunchApplication. Basically the simplest way is reditecting output into file. For example:

    szProgram = WINDIR ^ "temp" ^ "New" ^ "devcon.exe"; 
    szCmdLine = " hwids * > c:\temp\New\hardware.txt";

    And in order to parse the file content you would need to get the file content. You may use GetLine or ListReadFromFile functions. The following would be example: OpenFile Example