I have 3 tables, All 3 tables have Auto-Increment primary key column with foreign key relationship.
My problem is that I want to copy the related data in same table.
And also to maintain the PK-->FK relationship.
For example I want to copy GoalID = 1. I have also created variable tables and data as my scenario.
Declare @tblCompanyGoal Table
GoalID int identity(1,1), --PKID
APID int,
Goal nvarchar(500)
Declare @tblPMCompanyObjectives Table
ObjectID int identity(1,1), --PKID
ApID int,
Objective nvarchar(500),
GoalID int --FK --> @tblCompanyGoal.GoalID
Declare @tblPMCompanyStrategies Table
StrgID int identity(1,1), --PKID
Strategies nvarchar(500),
ObjectID int --FK --> @@tblPMCompanyObjectives.ObjectID
Insert into @tblCompanyGoal (APID, Goal)Values(500, 'C-Goal1')
Insert into @tblCompanyGoal (APID, Goal)Values(600, 'C-Goal2')
insert into @tblPMCompanyObjectives (ApID, Objective, GoalID)values(500, 'BF', 1)
insert into @tblPMCompanyObjectives (ApID, Objective, GoalID)values(500, 'LF', 1)
insert into @tblPMCompanyObjectives (ApID, Objective, GoalID)values(500, 'BFA', 2)
Insert into @tblPMCompanyStrategies(Strategies, ObjectID)Values('GTK', 1)
Insert into @tblPMCompanyStrategies(Strategies, ObjectID)Values('GTK2', 1)
Insert into @tblPMCompanyStrategies(Strategies, ObjectID)Values('ASK', 1)
Insert into @tblPMCompanyStrategies(Strategies, ObjectID)Values('WER', 2)
Insert into @tblPMCompanyStrategies(Strategies, ObjectID)Values('NFT', 2)
Insert into @tblPMCompanyStrategies(Strategies, ObjectID)Values('KRG', 3)
How can I accomplish this task? I have tried it with cursor but not succeeded.
After the insert into @tblCompanyGoal Table, use the SCOPE_IDENTITY value. It will automatically contain the new identity ID (for the newly inserted row) from the last insert statement. (You could also make a join like in the last insert, if you prefer without a variable.)
Then use this value in the following insert, as the new foreign key value.
The last join is a little bit tricky, you have to map the old ids with the new ones. I added some comments to help explain the logic.
This will give you a copy of the related data.
SET @OldGoalID = 1
INSERT INTO @tblCompanyGoal(APID, Goal)
SELECT APID, Goal FROM @tblCompanyGoal WHERE GoalID=1
INSERT INTO @tblPMCompanyObjectives(ApID, Objective, GoalID)
SELECT ApID, Objective, @NewGoalID FROM @tblPMCompanyObjectives WHERE GoalID = @OldGoalID
INSERT INTO @tblPMCompanyStrategies(Strategies, ObjectID)
SELECT s.Strategies, no.ObjectID
-- get the old object rows
FROM @tblPMCompanyStrategies s
INNER JOIN @tblPMCompanyObjectives oo ON oo.objectid = s.objectid
INNER JOIN @tblCompanyGoal oc ON oc.GoalID = oo.GoalID AND oc.GoalID = @OldGoalID
-- get the matching rows new object IDs
INNER JOIN @tblPMCompanyObjectives no ON no.GoalID = @NewGoalID AND no.ApID=oo.ApID AND no.Objective=oo.Objective