I just got the example below for the parallelism and have some related questions:
The setParallelism(5) is setting the Parallelism 5 just to sum or both flatMap and sum?
Is it possible that we can set the different Parallelism to different operators such as flatMap and sum respectively ?such as set Parallelism 5 to sum and 10 to flatMap .
Based on my understanding ,keyBy is partitioning the DataStream to logical Stream\partitions based on the different keys, and suppose there are 10,000 different key values, so there are 10,000 different partitions , then how many threads would deal with the 10,000 partitions? Just 5 threads? How about if we didn't set the setParallelism(5) ?
final StreamExecutionEnvironment env =
DataStream<String> text = [...]
DataStream<Tuple2<String, Integer>> wordCounts = text
.flatMap(new LineSplitter())
env.execute("Word Count Example");
When calling setParallelism
on an operator, then it changes the parallelism of this specific operator. Consequently, in your example, only the window operator will be executed with a parallelism of 5
and the preceding flatMap
operator with the default parallelism.
Consequently, you can set for each operator a different parallelism. However, be aware that operators with different parallelism cannot be chained and entail a rebalance (similar to a shuffle) operation.
If you want to set the parallelism for all operators, then you have to do it via the ExecutionEnvironment#setParallelism
API call.
The keyBy
operation partitions in the input stream into as many partitions as you have parallel operator instances. This makes sure that all elements with the same key end up in the same partition. So in your example where you set the parallelism to 5
, you would end up with 5 partitions. Each partition can harbour elements with different keys.