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Tomcat vs Weblogic JNDI Lookup

The Weblogic servers we are using have been configured to allow JNDI datasource names like "appds".

For development (localhost), we might be running Tomcat and when declared in the <context> section of server.xml, Tomcat will hang JNDI datasources on "java:comp/env/jdbc/*" in the JNDI tree.

Problem: in Weblogic, the JNDI lookup is "appds" whilst in Tomcat, it seems that that I must provide the formal "java:comp/env/jdbc/appds". I'm afraid the Tomcat version is an implicit standard but unfortunately, I can't change Weblogic's config ... so that means we end up with two different spring config files (we're using spring 2.5) to facilitate the different environments.

Is there an elegant way to address this. Can I look JNDI names up directly in Tomcat? Can Spring take a name and look in both places? Google searches or suggestions would be great.


  • JndiLocatorSupport has a property resourceRef. When setting this true, "java:comp/env/" prefix will be prepended automatically. So I believe it would be correct to differentiate this parameter when moving from Tomcat to Weblogic.