I am having abit of a situation and hope you can point me at the right direction.
1st DSUM (Text2):
=DSum("[quantity_ya7]","Stock","[part_number]= '" & [part_number] & "'")
2nd DSUM (Text2): (This can be Null at times as there are no withdrawals or records)
=DSum("[amt_ya7]","Withdrawal","[part_number]= '" & [part_number] & "' ")
After setting the 2 DSUM above, I will carry the subtract out.
If there are values for to calculate for 2nd DSUM, the result will display in order. Else, it will be empty. (No values displayed)
How do I calculate as -0 (deduct 0) so I can get the right value displayed?
Thank you, much appreciated.
You can use the Nz function to return zero, a zero-length string (" "), or another specified value when a Variant is Null. For example, you can use this function to convert a Null value to another value and prevent it from propagating through an expression.
In your case you want the DSUM to return 0 rather than Null when there's no value so you can use it in a calculation.
=NZ(DSum("[amt_ya7]","Withdrawal","[part_number]= '" & [part_number] & "' "),0)