If I wanted to have a website domain which reads at.______.last.com
, where the middle word/domain can change OR not be there at all (e.g. at.long.last.com
, at.final.last.com
OR without e.g. at.last.com
), is this possible or would that require manually making sub domains for every single entry?
You can't change. With Wildcard SSL you can only change sub domain name.
Example 1:
If you have issued Wildcard SSL certificate for *.domainname.com then you can secure:
mail.domainname.com login.domainname.com
Example 2:
If you have issued Wildcard SSL certificate for *.subdomain.domain.com then you can secure:
blog.subdomain.domain.com signup.subdomain.domain.com
But you can't change the middle of the subdomain name.