I have so far created the query:
query = from page in "wagtailcore_page",
where: page.url_path == ^url_path,
join: h in ^table_name,
where: h.page_ptr_id == page.id
I now would like to dynamically select properties on h
For example if I pass in [:body, :footer]
I would like to run:
query = from [_page, h] in query,
select: %{body: h.body, footer: h.footer}
I found Ecto.Query.API.map which looks like it could be used in the solution to this problem.
But when I run:
from [_page, h] in query, select: EctoApi.map(h, [:body])
I get the error:
** (Ecto.Query.CompileError) `EctoApi.map(h, [:alphatext])` is not a valid query expression
According to the IMPORTANT
message at the bottom of the map
documentation we have to include the foreign keys used in the relationship when performing the join which we are not doing, but I don't know how to do this type of assoc
for the type of dynamic join which we are doing
can be used without importing anything. The actual function is implemented inside Ecto, Ecto.Query.API.map/2
is just for documentation purposes. The following should work:
from [_page, h] in query, select: map(h, [:body, :footer])