I've seen examples where a function has an argument given by ClassName.() This doesn't seem to be an extension function, which is ClassName.Function()
An example is Kotterknife:
private val View.viewFinder: View.(Int) -> View?
get() = { findViewById(it) }
Which I don't quite know the function of,
and MaterialDrawerKt
fun Activity.drawer(setup: DrawerBuilderKt.() -> Unit = {}): Drawer {
val builder = DrawerBuilderKt(this)
return builder.build()
Where the code allows you to directly call
drawer {
rather than give it arguments surrounded by the parentheses.
Is there any documentation on this anywhere?
A function that takes in nothing and returns nothing in Kotlin looks like:
var function : () -> Unit
The difference is that the function in your code takes in nothing, returns nothing, but is invoked on an object.
For example,
class Builder (val multiplier: Int) {
fun invokeStuff(action: (Builder.() -> Unit)) {
fun multiply(value: Int) : Int {
return value * multiplier
The important bit here is the way we've declared the type of action
action: (Builder.() -> Unit)
This is a function that returns nothing, takes in nothing but is invoked on an object of type Builder
This means when we use this builder like so
var builder = Builder(10)
var result = multiply(1)
The context of this
has been set to the builder object and we can invoke functions declared within the builder.