In my application im trying to get the metrics of azure storage i.e metrics for each of its services(blob,queue,file,table) but before trying to get the metrics i want to check the availability of the storage ,can i do that please suggest.
i want to check if the storage status if its up or down before collecting metrics via SDK
According to your description, I suggest you could send the request to to get your storage account current status by using rest api.
The request is as below:
Get Method:{yoursubscriptionsID}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupname}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{Youraccount name}?api-version=2017-06-01
Request header:
authorization: Bearer {accesstoken}
More details about how to get the access token(Register your client application with Azure AD, Acquire an access token), you could refer to this article.
Notice: it will return a json which contains all your storage account current message.
In this json message it contains the statusofPrimary property, this is the status.