I am currently using a filter function (not a custom filter) on ng-repeat. However I have been told that using a custom filter is better performance. How would I go about using a custom filter to do the same search as this:
$scope.searchInOrder = function (item)
if(item.match("^"+$scope.search, "i"))
return item;
return item;
Here is my fiddle.
So I use this filter using "key in keyboard.keys | filter: searchInOrder" but how do I do the same thing using a custom filter e.g. "key in keyboard.keys | customSearchInOrder:search" is it better for performance doing it this way (with a custom filter instead of a function) and if so why? Also which way is better for code maintainability?
Which way is better? This totally depends on your requirements and application. Because repeated filter may lead to performance issues. As explained in this very good post Angular Performance tips . So its for you to decide wha will be the best fir for your case a custom filter or filtering in code.
But if you are not worried about this then yes a custom filter would be good. As it will be reusable and you need not to repeat the filtering again in case you need the same filter for different views/controllers. Below is a custom filter for your case.
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.keyboard = {
"keys": ["cntrlA", "cntrlB", "cntrlC", "cntrlD", "space1", "space2", "space3", "shift"]
app.filter('searchKeys', function() {
return function(items, search) {
var filtered = [];
if (search) {
angular.forEach(items, function(item) {
if (item.match("^" + search, "i")) {
return filtered;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.22/angular.min.js"></script>
<div data-ng-app='myApp' data-ng-controller='myCtrl'>
<!-- using scope function as a filter -->
<input ng-model="search" placeholder="Search..." />
<div ng-repeat="key in keyboard.keys | searchKeys: search">
Hope it helps :).