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How to improve method structure to reduce params?

In many methods in the service classes I am repeating the code like this:

$model->addEvent($provider->id, 'installing', 'username', 'add', 'Description of event');

$this->worker->uploadFile($provider->id, 'root', $file);

Many different $model will have addEvent() which is done via trait.

How can I refactor those two lines into a method with readable/memorable parameters?

I have tried the following:

public function deploy($model, $providerId, $status, $user, $action, $file, $description = null)
   $model->addEvent($providerId, $status, $user, $action, $description);

   $this->serverWorker->uploadFile($providerId, $user, $file);

What I don't like about this method that there is too many params.


Eg 1. deploy($site, 1, 'In Queue', 'root', 'create', $file, 'Installing Site')

Eg 2. deploy($rule, 1, 'In Queue', 'root', 'update', $file, 'Updating Rule')

Eg 2. deploy($something, 1, 'In Queue', 'root', 'delete', $file)


  • You could try wrapping the common configurations into small reusable classes like so:

    public function deploy($model, FileDeployTarget $target, $description = null)
       $model->addEvent($target->providerId, $target->status, $target->user, $target->action, $description);
       $this->serverWorker->uploadFile($target->providerId, $target->user, $target->file);

    And somewhere else:

    class UpdateInQueue extends FileDeployTarget {
        public $status = 'In Queue';
        public $action = 'update';

    FileDeployTarget and descendants would handle all extra parameters in their constructors.