I am trying to run lagged regression for each of the 30 assets in my data frame.
My table looks like this:
date rx1 rx2 rx3
1930-01-31 0 0 0
1930-02-28 0 0 -0.3
1930-03-31 0 0 -0.1
.... -0.1 ...
1975-02-28 -0.4 -0.2 ...
2016-12-31 -0.03 ... ...
Then I tried to run lagged regressions with this line(dataframe:Rx3.df):
model <- dyn$lm(Rx3.df$rx1 ~ lag(Rx3.df$rx1, 1) + lag(Rx3.df$rx1, 2))
But I kept getting this result that does not make any sense:
lm(formula = dyn(Rx3.df$rx1 ~ lag(Rx3.df$rx1, 1) + lag(Rx3.df$rx1,
(Intercept) lag(Rx3.df$rx1, 1) lag(Rx3.df$rx1, 2)
3.297e-16 1.000e+00 NA
Can anyone figure out the problem? Thanks!
I apologize in advance for the long answer. It seems that for some reason (NO IDEA WHY?) dyn$lm
doesn't omit the NA
s. If for, example you type summary(model)
, you'll get this warning message:
Warning message:
In summary.lm(lm(rx1 ~ lag(rx1, 1), data = df, model = T)) :
essentially perfect fit: summary may be unreliable
Also, if you type nobs(model)
, you will get the the same as nrow(Rx3.df)
, which shouldn't happen because you'll be dropping at least 1 observation per lag.
I recreated part of your data as follows:
> df<- data.frame(rx1 = runif(1000, 1, 100))
> head(df, 5)
1 56.63239
2 89.99562
3 37.35498
4 7.47771
5 92.77819
And as in your case, I get:
> summary(dyn$lm(rx1~lag(rx1, 1) + lag(rx1, 2), data=df))
lm(formula = dyn(rx1 ~ lag(rx1, 1) + lag(rx1, 2)), data = df)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3.982e-13 -5.400e-16 3.600e-16 1.230e-15 1.211e-14
Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.876e-14 8.219e-16 3.499e+01 <2e-16 ***
lag(rx1, 1) 1.000e+00 1.424e-17 7.024e+16 <2e-16 ***
lag(rx1, 2) NA NA NA NA
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 1.275e-14 on 998 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 1, Adjusted R-squared: 1
F-statistic: 4.934e+33 on 1 and 998 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Warning message:
In summary.lm(dyn$lm(rx1 ~ lag(rx1, 1) + lag(rx1, 2), data = df)) :
essentially perfect fit: summary may be unreliable
However, if I lag the variables manually:
> library(dplyr)
> df_lag<- mutate(df, lag1_rx1 = lag(rx1), lag2_rx1 = lag(rx1, 2))
> head(df_lag, 5)
rx1 lag1_rx1 lag2_rx1
1 56.63239 NA NA
2 89.99562 56.63239 NA
3 37.35498 89.99562 56.63239
4 7.47771 37.35498 89.99562
5 92.77819 7.47771 37.35498
The results are correct:
> summary(dyn$lm(rx1~lag1_rx1+lag2_rx1, data=df_lag))
lm(formula = dyn(rx1 ~ lag1_rx1 + lag2_rx1), data = df_lag)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-50.325 -23.271 -0.471 24.763 50.864
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 50.84681 2.46790 20.603 <2e-16 ***
lag1_rx1 -0.03664 0.03170 -1.156 0.248
lag2_rx1 0.02494 0.03170 0.787 0.432
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 28.34 on 995 degrees of freedom
(2 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared: 0.002033, Adjusted R-squared: 2.741e-05
F-statistic: 1.014 on 2 and 995 DF, p-value: 0.3633
Note that in the second case, right under the Residual standard error
, I get a notification that (2 observations deleted due to missingness)
, which should happen! This is also mirrored on the degrees of freedom, which should be equal to the number of observations you have, minus the number of parameters you're estimating.
I hope this helps!
MAJOR EDIT for multiple variables
You will need to use data.table
for this solution. I also created a new df
to match the example you gave.
> df<- data.table(date= sample(seq(as.Date('1900/01/01'), as.Date('2000/01/01'), by="day"), 1000), rx1 = runif(1000, 1, 100), rx2 = rnorm(1000), rx3 = rpois(1000, 1))
> head(df, 5)
date rx1 rx2 rx3
1: 1989-01-16 9.642232 -1.14117351 0
2: 1964-05-10 55.946293 1.21938225 1
3: 1911-11-24 8.609234 -0.77489439 1
4: 1914-09-29 57.253969 0.02277709 0
5: 1902-08-09 69.454322 -0.10850359 1
The next two pieces of code create the lags:
> df[, paste0("lag1_", names(df)[like(names(df), "^rx")]) := shift(.SD), .SDcols = like(names(df), "^rx")]
> df[, paste0("lag2_", names(df)[like(names(df), "^rx")]) := shift(.SD, 2), .SDcols = like(names(df), "^rx")]
> head(df, 5)
date rx1 rx2 rx3 lag1_rx1 lag1_rx2 lag1_rx3 lag2_rx1 lag2_rx2
1: 1989-01-16 9.642232 -1.14117351 0 NA NA NA NA NA
2: 1964-05-10 55.946293 1.21938225 1 9.642232 -1.14117351 0 NA NA
3: 1911-11-24 8.609234 -0.77489439 1 55.946293 1.21938225 1 9.642232 -1.1411735
4: 1914-09-29 57.253969 0.02277709 0 8.609234 -0.77489439 1 55.946293 1.2193823
5: 1902-08-09 69.454322 -0.10850359 1 57.253969 0.02277709 0 8.609234 -0.7748944
1: NA
2: NA
3: 0
4: 1
5: 1
And finally the results:
> formula<- paste0(paste0("rx", 1:3),"~", paste0("lag1_rx", 1:3), "+", paste0("lag2_rx", 1:3))
> results<- lapply(formula, function(x) lm(x, data=df))
> names(results)<- paste0("rx", 1:3)
Obviously, change the 3 above to how ever many variables you have. I'm not providing the output because it's too big. For rx1
you can access the results by typing summary(results[["rx1"]]
PS: It doesn't seem to make a difference if you use dyn$lm
compared to regular old lm