I am trying to create dynamic view , so i want to create views in python side . But when i try to save the view the "arch_base" field is not set . Can someone tell me what's the problem ? Here is my function
def create_validation_button(self):
model = self.field_id.model_id.model
model_view = self.env['ir.ui.view'].search([("model", "=", model), ('type', "=", "form")])
arch = '<xpath expr="//header" postition="inside"><button string="Add Followers" type="object" name="add_project_followers" /></xpath>'
if model_view:
self.view_id = None
[("model", "=", model), ('name', "=", 'validation.' + model_view.name)]).unlink()
view_data = {'name': 'validation.' + model_view.name, 'type': 'form', 'model': model, 'priority': 1,
'inherit_id': model_view.id,
'mode': 'extension',
'arch_base': arch.encode('utf-8')}
view = self.env["ir.ui.view"].create(view_data)
self.view_id = view
the field name is arch
not arch_base
so the set will be :
view_data = {'name': 'validation.' + model_view.name, 'type': 'form', 'model': model, 'priority': 1,
'inherit_id': model_view.id,
'mode': 'extension',
'arch': arch.encode('utf-8')}
Thanks to
Peter Alabaster https://www.odoo.com/fr_FR/forum/aide-1/question/how-to-create-extension-form-view-in-python-side-119479