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Compile error when using vl_compilenn in Mathconvnet in Windows 8.1

I am trying to use Mathconvnet library/package of Matlab for using CNN. While trying to compile the package using the function vl_compilenn following this guide i'm facing errors.

Steps Already Taken:

  1. Installed/uninstalled then reinstalled Microsoft SDK latest version.

  2. Added path in Environment variable

  3. Used Command mex -setup c++ to change compiler to C++

Here is the error message I am getting.

After various stack overflow answers that i went through i have also done this

1.) vl_compilenn('EnableImreadJpeg ',false) although I get different error when I do this.

2.) added gdiplus.lib in matlab sys subfolder

EDIT: Solution is to choose a Visual Studio Compiler 12 or above, if already installed type mex -setup -vin Matlab which will show available compilers for choosing,select the latest one available. if still getting the same error choose same compiler for both mex-setup c++ and mex-setup c and type the command again: vl_compilenn('EnableImreadJpeg',false).


  • Solution is to choose a Visual Studio Compiler 12 or above, if already installed type mex -setup -vin Matlab which will show available compilers for choosing,select the latest one available. if still getting the same error choose same compiler for both mex-setup c++ and mex-setup c and type the command again: vl_compilenn('EnableImreadJpeg',false).