I installed pgadmin 4 1.5 desktop on windows 10, but when I try launching it, I can see the splash screen, then it disappear and nothing more append.
In the task manager, I can see it running, and consuming CPU in the first seconds, but the UI never show up.
I have the same problem on pgadmin 4 1.4, but weirdly, 1.3 works well.
As 1.3 works, I will use it, but if anyone know what is happening, I will appreciate help.
Thank you
I found some help here : http://www.postgresql-archive.org/pgAdmin-4-v1-3-fails-to-load-td5951102.html
I downloaded this 1.5 version and it launched normally, btw I didn't check if everything is running as expected : https://developer.pgadmin.org/~dpage/pgadmin4-1.5-x86.exe
hope it helps