I am currently trying to write a Python program that will take 2 existing .xyz files (containing 3 columns of values separated by spaces), loop through them, add numbers from equivalent positions in each column of the list, then write those values to a separate .txt file in the same position.
For example, if I have the list:
(line denoting number of atoms)
(comment line)
(atom symbol) 1 1 1
(atom symbol) 2 2 2
(atom symbol) 3 3 3
and the list:
(line denoting number of atoms)
(comment line)
(atom symbol) 3 3 3
(atom symbol) 2 2 2
(atom symbol) 1 1 1
I want to make python create a new file in the form:
(line denoting number of atoms)
(comment line)
(atom symbol) 4 4 4
(atom symbol) 4 4 4
(atom symbol) 4 4 4
Currently my is giving me the error:
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number
and my code is:
def sumen():
infile_1 = input("Name of first file you wish to open as file using '.txt': ")
infile_2 = input("Name of second file you wish to open as file using '.txt': ")
outfile = input("Name the output file using '.txt': ")
with open(infile_1, 'r') as myfile_1, open(infile_2, 'r') as myfile_2:
for line1 in myfile_1.readlines():
parts1 = line1.split('\n')
for line2 in myfile_2.readlines():
parts2 = line2.split('\n')
with open(outfile, 'w') as outputfile:
totalenergy = float(parts1) + float(parts2)
print("The output was printed to:", outfile)
Here's how I would do it:
def sumen():
infile_1 = input("Name of first file you wish to open as file using '.txt': ")
infile_2 = input("Name of second file you wish to open as file using '.txt': ")
outfile = input("Name the output file using '.txt': ")
with open(infile_1, 'r') as myfile_1, \
open(infile_2, 'r') as myfile_2, \
open(outfile, 'w') as outputfile:
for _ in range(2): # copy first two lines of first file (and advance second)
for (line1, line2) in zip(myfile_1, myfile_2):
parts1 = line1.split()
parts2 = line2.split()
totalenergy = [float(parts1[i]) + float(parts2[i]) for i in range(1, len(parts1))]
outputfile.write('{} {}\n'.format(parts1[0], ' '.join(map(str, totalenergy))))
print("The output was printed to:", outfile)
For your sample input files, this will produce an output file that looks something like this:
(line denoting number of atoms)
(comment line)
(atom symbol) 4.0 4.0 4.0
(atom symbol) 4.0 4.0 4.0
(atom symbol) 4.0 4.0 4.0