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How can I write a custom Date Format with string into it?

silly question here:

I'm willing to write a custom date format in Swift for brazilian pattern, which will be something like:

"20 de Junho, 2017" // 20 of June, 2017

I was trying this pattern:

"dd de MMMM, yyyy"

But the "de" world is taken as a pattern as well. How can I say that this is a constant?



  • You have to wrap it into quotes ', e.g.

    "dd 'de' MMMM, yyyy"

    From Date Format Patterns:

    Literal text, which is output as-is when formatting, and must closely match when parsing. Literal text can include:

    • Any characters other than A..Z and a..z, including spaces and punctuation.
    • Any text between single vertical quotes ('xxxx'), which may include A..Z and a..z as literal text.

    You can also let the formatter generate the de:

    let locale = Locale(identifier: "pt-BR")
    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    let dayFormat = DateFormatter.dateFormat(fromTemplate: "d MMMM", options: 0, locale: locale)!
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = dayFormat + ", yyyy"
    dateFormatter.locale = locale
    print(dateFormatter.string(from: Date())) // 7 de junho, 2017