I have the following file path displaying:
And I want to display only file name 'Doc1' (minus path and extension).
I have tried unsucessfully the following and would appreciate any further light you could share as to what I am doing wrong...
public static string SplitWord(string text, int length)
string str = text;
int n = str.LastIndexOf(".");
string str1=str.Substring(n,str.LastIndexOf("/"));
return str1;
@foreach (var q in AsDynamic(App.Data["CatFilter"]))
<li class="sc-element faq-set faq-setOne" data-tags="@String.Join(",", ((List<DynamicEntity>)q.Categories).Select(a => AsDynamic(a).EntityId))">
@q.Toolbar @Edit.Toolbar(actions: "edit,new", contentType: "CatFilter")
<a class="faq-question" style="cursor: pointer">
} else {
I have also tried variations of the following within the IF condition but again no luck.
,,,,@:var str = q.Link;
,,,,@:var n = str.lastIndexOf(".");
,,,,@:var str1=str.Substring(n,str.lastIndexOf("/"))
You're actually just using Substring the wrong way. You probably want
public static string SplitWord(string text, int length)
int slash = text.LastIndexOf("/");
int dot = text.LastIndexOf(".");
return text.Substring(slash + 1, dot - slash);
Give it a try - might need another +1 or -1 on one of the values, but that should do the trick.