I'm trying to create property file with include path to use in all my c++ project.
Here is repository structure.
I want use property file (Props.props) to add the following include path to both projects ( C:\\Libs;C:\\Libs\Libs2).
Currently I have macro in my property file:
Name Value
ProjRoot C:\<path to rep root>
And I use it in include string: $(ProjRoot)\Libs;$(ProjRoot)\Libs\Libs2
The problem with this solution is hardcoded absolute path in macro value. If my repository will be cloned on another drive I will have to change it manually.
Can I use path relative to property file in macro value?
Name Value
ProjRoot ./
Where ./ will resolve to path of Props.props file in all projects which will use this property file.
I cannot use $(SolutionDir) and $(ProjectDir) because there are may solutions and projects in different nesting level so path relative to them would not work.
Thank you.
Do do this one should manually edit props file and include the following:
This will create property PropSheetPath
with property file folder.
Found the answer here: