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Spring Boot Config at Git

I am following an blog :

I am developing the services using spring boot and I want to change the config at run-time without application restart.

I have run the code mentioned in the above github repo. What I am not able to understand how does the example-service knows about config-service. There is nothing in code which link them together.

Also, there is just one example service but I have 10s of such example service, how do I use just one config service for all example services


  • First question

    how does the example-service knows about config-service?

    Short answer

    Magic happen when you add spring-cloud-config-client dependency

    Long answer from spring cloud documentation

    Client Side Usage

    To use these features in an application, just build it as a Spring Boot application that depends on spring-cloud-config-client (e.g. see the test cases for the config-client, or the sample app). The most convenient way to add the dependency is via a Spring Boot starter There is also a parent pom and BOM (spring-cloud-starter-parent) for Maven users and a Spring IO version management properties file for Gradle and Spring CLI users.

    Second question

    Also, there is just one example service but I have 10s of such example service, how do I use just one config service for all example services

    You just have to add spring-cloud-config-client dependency to each service. All services will look for config-service on http://localhost:8888 8888 being the default port