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Sending a system exclusive message using CoreMIDI

I'm working on a MacOS app where I'm utilizing MIDI. What I'd like to do is send s SysEx message to a MIDI device. Now, I've done this once in Java, but never in Swift.

And since the coremidi library is almost totally new to me, i have no idea how this would work. What I've figured out so far is that I have to compose a MIDISysexSendRequest, and I've come this far:

let SysEx = MIDISysexSendRequest(destination: self.endpointRef, data: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, bytesToSend: 8, complete: complete, reserved: (UInt8, UInt8, UInt8), completionProc: completionProc, completionRefCon: nil)

In this, there are a few things that confuse me:

  • In what way am i supposed to compose the data variable? I know what bytes i want to send, just not how to format this for Swift
  • What is reserved supposed to be?

I couldn't find any examples or reference on these that i could use. Could someone help me/

Thanks in advance.


  • Reserved means you can't use it, as in: "reserved for internal use"

    struct MIDISysexSendRequest
        MIDIEndpointRef     destination;
        const Byte *        data;
        UInt32              bytesToSend;
        Boolean             complete;
        Byte                reserved[3];
        MIDICompletionProc  completionProc;
        void * __nullable   completionRefCon;
        @struct         MIDISysexSendRequest
        @abstract       A request to transmit a system-exclusive event.
        @field          destination
                            The endpoint to which the event is to be sent.
        @field          data
                            Initially, a pointer to the sys-ex event to be sent.
                            MIDISendSysex will advance this pointer as bytes are
        @field          bytesToSend
                            Initially, the number of bytes to be sent.  MIDISendSysex
                            will decrement this counter as bytes are sent.
        @field          complete
                            The client may set this to true at any time to abort
                            transmission.  The implementation sets this to true when
                            all bytes have been sent.
        @field          completionProc
                            Called when all bytes have been sent, or after the client
                            has set complete to true.
        @field          completionRefCon
                            Passed as a refCon to completionProc.
            This represents a request to send a single system-exclusive MIDI event to
            a MIDI destination asynchronously.

    Notice how the reserved variable doesn't even show up in the header.

    A quick google shows many projects written in swift that use MIDI. Browse through some of these to see working examples.

    The first one I looked at seemed perfect for seeing how things are done. It even has quite a few .java files, so it might be easier for you to see how it relates to swift (or how to connect them).

    Take a look here: MIDI in Swift

    In the CoreMIDI framework there is a file called "MIDIServices.h" (finder will find it for you). It has a LOT of information regarding MIDI.

    Best of luck!! 🍀