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How to change an action bar title text when moving from one tab to another tabs in nativescript

  • When loading this mainactivity page for the first time, it is loading the third tab page action bar text.

  • I need to load the action bar text based on clicking the tab.

  • For Eg: When I click the second tab means second tab action bar have to get trigger.


<ActionBar title="MainActivity" class="action-bar">


<TabView selectedIndex="0" (selectedIndexChange)="onIndexChanged($event)"  iosIconRenderingMode="alwaysTemplate" selectedTabTextColor="blue" sdkExampleTitle sdkToggleNavButton>
<TabView iosIconRenderingMode="alwaysOriginal"></TabView>

<StackLayout *tabItem="{title: 'First Tab',iconSource:'res://store'}" >

<StackLayout *tabItem="{title: 'Second Tab',iconSource:'res://myapps'}" >

<StackLayout *tabItem="{title: 'Third Tab',iconSource:'res://home'}" >



public onIndexChanged(args) {
        let tabView = <TabView>args.object;
        console.log("Selected index changed! New inxed: " + tabView.selectedIndex);


  • For every tab position, we need to add the tabindex and add the title for appropriate page.

       <ActionBar *ngIf="tabIndex == 1" title="My Apps" color="black"> </ActionBar>