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What is the time complexity of leaflet function onEachFeature function here

What is the complexity of the leaflet function onEachFeature in general? is it the same as the complexity of a for loop when it comes to processing each key in a big geojson file?


  • onEachFeature is a user-defined function, and thus its algorithmical complexity cannot be known beforehand.

    It does get called once per GeoJSON Feature on initialization of a L.GeoJSON instance, and whenever the .addData() method of a L.GeoJSON is called.

    Also take into account that instantiating any L.Circle, L.Polyline or L.Polygon has a complexity of O(n*log(n)), where n is the number of points in the geometry, due to usage of a Douglas-Peucker simplification.

    Thus, complexity of adding features to a L.GeoJSON should be of a magnitude like

     O( m * (n*log(n) + f ) )

    Where m is the number of features, n is the number of points/vertices per feature, and f is the complexity of the user-defined onEachFeature function.