I am trying to understand the semantics of rdfs domain and range. Because I am from an object oriented background, I am struggling to understand the semantics and how to validate data against the rdfs statements.
Here is a sample file in turtle format:
PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
prefix tmpl: <http://template.example.com/>
prefix data: <http://data.example.com/>
tmpl:Thing a owl:Class.
tmpl:Employment rdfs:subClassOf tmpl:TemporalThing.
tmpl:Party rdfs:subClassOf tmpl:Thing.
tmpl:Individual rdfs:subClassOf tmpl:Party.
tmpl:Organisation rdfs:subClassOf tmpl:Party.
tmpl:LimitedLiabilityCompany rdfs:subClassOf tmpl:Organisation.
tmpl:hasCurrentEmployer a owl:ObjectProperty;
rdfs:domain tmpl:Party;
rdfs:range tmpl:Party.
data:Simon a tmpl:Individual;
skos:prefLabel "Simon S".
data:PtyLtd a tmpl:LimitedLiabilityCompany.
data:Simon tmpl:hasCurrentEmployer data:PtyLtd.
tmpl:Animal a owl:Thing.
data:Beans a tmpl:Animal.
data:Simon tmpl:hasCurrentEmployer data:Beans.
I am using GRAPHDB as my test environment. I would expect the last statement to fail with some sort of message because 'Beans' is an 'Animal' which is not a 'Party'.
Yet, GRAPHDB just accepts the statement.
Any ideas?
Based on Stanislav's comment below: While An inference engine might not have a problem with this, we can use the domain and range for error checking in an application.
As said in the comments, you misunderstood the semantics of domain and range.
P rdfs:domain D
P rdfs:range R
mean that if a statement s P o
holds, then (with a reasoner running), it could be inferred that s rdf:type D
and o rdf:type R
Domain and range are never restrictions on the the property. That has to be clear.
To understand how things work, check for examplem OWL direct semantics for object properties here.