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Set Delphi 5 Form on monitor where previous Form was present in dual monitor system

Delphi 5 does not have a built-in function to set a Form on a monitor where a previous Form is opened in the case of dual monitors. For this, I have imported windows dll. I searched for this and found MonitorFromWindow() and MonitorFromPoint().

I implemented MonitorFromWindow() but am not able to implement MonitorFromPoint().

How do I get the monitor and set my Form on it?

function MonitorFromWindow(hwnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD): HWND; stdcall; external 'User32.dll';

procedure TSmForm.AfterCreateForm(Session: ISmSession; SmHelpContext: TDM_Int32; IsDLL: Boolean);
  HMONITOR = type THandle;
  MBMonitor: HMONITOR;
  //If you decide to remove the next two lines, make sure no one use this function and assume init of SmSession is here (like ScriptMaintanance etc.).
  if SmSession<>Session then
    SmSession := Session;
  if SmHelpContext > 0 then
    HelpContext := SmHelpContext;
  //Following lines ensure that if the form resides in a dll, its icon is the same as the host application's
  if (IsDLL) then
    if (Icon.Empty) and (ParentHWND <> 0) then
      SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETICON, 1, SendMessage(ParentHWND, WM_GETICON, 1, 0));

  MBMonitor := MonitorFromWindow(Self.Handle, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);

  SetWindowPos(Self.Handle, MBMonitor, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE);
end { of TSmForm.AfterCreateForm } ;


  • Monitor:=   screen.Forms[Screen.FormCount-1].Monitor;
    Self.Left := Monitor.Left + ((Monitor.Width - Self.Width) div 2);
    Self.Top :=  Monitor.Top + ((Monitor.Height - Self.Height) div 2);