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Image does not display on Heroku

I have two images on a static web page in a Ruby on Rails web application. Both images are in the same place:


The image tag for both is generated in the same way, barring some attributes:

<%= image_tag("logo.png", alt: "Logo", width: 150) %>

<%= image_tag("image.jpeg", alt: "image", class: "img-responsive") %>

Both work fine on the local server, but when I push to production, only the first image displays. The source shows the tag for the second image is not being processed correctly:

<img alt="Logo" width="150" src="/assets/logo-9e9dd9c19ef18b3ef26e23f11d73a8817af6cea78a5d9e1a34691d591a780987.png" />

<img alt="image" class="img-responsive" src="/images/image.jpeg" />

I don't understand why one works and the other doesn't?

In terms of context, the first image is PNG and part of the layout, rendered in application.html.erb. The second is part of the page view yielded into application.html.erb. Does that make a difference?

Any pointers in the right direction? Thanks for your help.




  • try below code:


    config.assets.compile = true

    then run command:

    RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile

    then push all compiles files and menifest file to heroku.