I'm stuck with Refs in Relay Mutation and globalIdField.
So let's say that comment can have parent comment id, must have post id in props and I have a Mutation defined with following schema:
const createComment = mutationWithClientMutationId({
name: 'CreateComment',
description: 'Create comment of the post',
inputFields: {
content: {
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
description: 'Content of the comment',
parent: {
type: GraphQLID,
description: 'Parent of the comment',
post: {
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLID),
description: 'Post of the comment',
outputFields: {
comment: { type: commentType, resolve: comment => comment },
mutateAndGetPayload: (input, context) => (context.user
? Comment.create(Object.assign(input, { author: context.user._id }))
: new Error('Only logged in user can create new comment')),
My comment has globalIdField, postType too. When I will query mutation from client I will use everywhere globalIds instead of real mongo _id of this objects. Is here the better way for it instead this piece in mutateAndGetPayload:
mutateAndGetPayload: (input, context) => {
if (input.parent) input.parent = fromGlobalId(input.parent).id;
if (input.post) input.post = fromGlobalId(input.post).id;
// And other logic
It can be very convinient if I can just add globalIdField() in post, but Relay can't pass this, because field in inputFields can't have a resolver function which globalIdField has.
So far I can't find solution better than below:
mutateAndGetPayload: ({ content, post, parent }, context) => {
if (!context.user) throw new Error('Only logged in user can create new comment');
const newComment = { author: context.user._id, content };
if (post) newComment.post = fromGlobalId(post).id;
if (parent) newComment.parent = fromGlobalId(parent).id;
return Comment.create(newComment);
Would be so glad if somebody will provide better experience with this.