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How to get all closest matched strings from an array?

I am trying to find closest match from an array. For this I use levenshtein(), but levenshtein() returns only first matched string or first closest match.

Here is my scenario:

$words = array('Break Noise','Engine Noise','Vehicle is jerking');

If my input is Noise, I want to get both Break Noise and Engine Noise.

Is it possible to do?

levenshtein() returns me only Break Noise which is the first element.


  • After getting two upvotes, I'm sucked into leaving this answer on the screen.

    $words = array('Break Noise','Engine Noise','Noises','Vehicle is jerking','Nose','noise');
    $filtered=array_filter($words,function($v)use($input){return stripos($v,$input)!==false;});
    usort($filtered,function($a,$b)use($input) {
        return levenshtein($input,$a)>levenshtein($input,$b)?1:-1;


    array (
      0 => 'Noises',
      1 => 'noise',
      2 => 'Break Noise',
      3 => 'Engine Noise',

    This will first filter out "Noise-less" elements, then sort your array using levenshtein().