I am trying to find closest match from an array. For this I use levenshtein()
, but levenshtein()
returns only first matched string or first closest match.
Here is my scenario:
$words = array('Break Noise','Engine Noise','Vehicle is jerking');
If my input is Noise
, I want to get both Break Noise
and Engine Noise
Is it possible to do?
returns me only Break Noise
which is the first element.
After getting two upvotes, I'm sucked into leaving this answer on the screen.
$words = array('Break Noise','Engine Noise','Noises','Vehicle is jerking','Nose','noise');
$filtered=array_filter($words,function($v)use($input){return stripos($v,$input)!==false;});
usort($filtered,function($a,$b)use($input) {
return levenshtein($input,$a)>levenshtein($input,$b)?1:-1;
array (
0 => 'Noises',
1 => 'noise',
2 => 'Break Noise',
3 => 'Engine Noise',
This will first filter out "Noise-less" elements, then sort your array using levenshtein()