I am using Wifi module and using this helper file I want to connect to wifi with the function Connect() it does work but when there is a problem the function should return False but for some reason, I am getting this error wifi.exceptions.ConnectionError....
as I can tell the helper file should catch that error and then return False to my main program. As stated in line 57 and 69 except wifi.exceptions.ConnectionError:
instead it is just crashing my program.
import WifiHandler
isConnected = WifiHandler.Connect("wifiNetwork","Password")
if isConnect == True:
do Somthing
and this is the error
TraceBack (most recent call last):
File "test.py". line 11, in <module>
isConnected = WifiHandler.Connect(ssid,password)
File "/home/pi/WifiHandler.py", line 43, in Connect
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/wifi/scheme.py", line 176. in activate
return self.parse_ifup_output(ifup_output)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/wifi/scheme.py" line 183, in parse_ifuo_output
raise ConnectionError("failed to connect to %r" % self)
wifi.exceptions.ConnectionError: Failed to connect to Scheme(interface='wlan0',name ='SSIDName', options={'wpa-psk':'32nnj3323jej222n4n2n421353535353535353535353535353', 'wpa-ssid': 'SSIDName' , 'wireless-channel':'auto'})
Hey guys thank to Morb. I fix the problem.
In the helper file it was not catching the error for savedcells
if savedcell:
return cell
it should be
if savedcell:
except wifi.exceptions.ConnectionError:
return False
return cell