h1 = scatter3(X_Horiz,Y_Horiz,Z_Horiz,200,'s','filled',...
'MarkerEdgeColor','b','MarkerFaceColor',[0 .75 .75]);
hold on;
h2 = scatter3(X_Vert,Y_Vert,Z_Vert,200,'s','filled',...
'MarkerEdgeColor','g','MarkerFaceColor',[0 .75 .75]);
hold on;
I know scatter3 can draw vertical square, however, I want to draw horizontal square which is parallel with the light red two interfaces. I try the rotate function, but it does not work.
You can proceed, by drawing your own squares by specifying the length of side. You may follow something like below:
function myscatter3()
N = 10 ;
data = rand(N,2) ;
x = data(:,1) ; y = data(:,2) ; z = zeros(size(x)) ;
dx = 0.05 ;
hold on
for i = 1:N
coor = MakeSquare(x(i),y(i),dx) ;
patch(coor(:,1),coor(:,2),coor(:,3),'w','edgecolor','k') ;
function coor = MakeSquare(x,y,dx)
coor = zeros(4,3) ;
coor(1,:) = [x-dx/2,y-dx/2,0] ;
coor(2,:) = [x+dx/2,y-dx/2,0] ;
coor(3,:) = [x+dx/2,y+dx/2,0] ;
coor(4,:) = [x-dx/2,y+dx/2,0] ;
Note that, that code can be fine tuned. It draws squares in the xy plane. It can be generalized to any plane.