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Using Training TFRecords that are stored on Google Cloud

My goal is to use training data (format: tfrecords) stored on Google Cloud storage when I run my Tensorflow Training App, locally. (Why locally? : I am testing before I turn it into a training package for Cloud ML)

Based on this thread I shouldn't have to do anything since the underlying Tensorflow API's should be able to read a gs://(url)

However thats not the case and the errors I see are of the format:

2017-06-06 15:38:55.589068: I tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/] The operation failed and will be automatically retried in 1.38118 seconds (attempt 1 out of 10), caused by: Unavailable: Error executing an HTTP request (HTTP response code 0, error code 6, error message 'Couldn't resolve host 'metadata'')

2017-06-06 15:38:56.976396: I tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/] The operation failed and will be automatically retried in 1.94469 seconds (attempt 2 out of 10), caused by: Unavailable: Error executing an HTTP request (HTTP response code 0, error code 6, error message 'Couldn't resolve host 'metadata'')

2017-06-06 15:38:58.925964: I tensorflow/core/platform/cloud/] The operation failed and will be automatically retried in 2.76491 seconds (attempt 3 out of 10), caused by: Unavailable: Error executing an HTTP request (HTTP response code 0, error code 6, error message 'Couldn't resolve host 'metadata'')

I'm not able to follow where I have to begin debugging this error.

Here is a snippet that reproduced the problem and also shows the tensorflow API's that I am using.

def _preprocess_features(features):
        """Function that returns preprocessed images"""

def _parse_single_example_from_tfrecord(value):
    features = (
                                features={'image_raw': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
                                          'label': tf.FixedLenFeature([model_config.LABEL_SIZE], tf.int64)
    return features

def _read_and_decode_tfrecords(filename_queue):
    reader = tf.TFRecordReader()
    # Point it at the filename_queue
    _, value =
    features = _parse_single_example_from_tfrecord(value)
    # decode the binary string image data
    image, label = _preprocess_features(features)
    return image, label

def test_tfread(filelist):
  train_filename_queue = (
  image, label = (
  return image

images= test_tfread(["gs://test-bucket/t.tfrecords"])
sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(
coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord)
  for step in range(model_config.MAX_STEPS):
      _ =[images])
  # When done, ask the threads to stop.
# Finally, wait for them to join (i.e. cleanly shut down)


  • Try executing the following command

    gcloud auth application-default login