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Yii2-admin and Yii2-user compatibility

I am trying to use yii2-user and yii2-admin for my yii2 project.

If I use this configuration in my composer

    "dektrium/yii2-user": "0.9.*@dev", 
    "mdmsoft/yii2-admin": "~2.0",

I get errors in admin module. They are simply not compatible. One error was that yii2 user does not have the status column in the user table. It used to work with this configuration.

    "dektrium/yii2-user": "0.9.*@dev", 
    "mdmsoft/yii2-admin": "*",

However I found that from recently the composer updates for this setting results in a memory error. Even if it does succeed it takes a little less than forever to complete. Can someone tell me if there are stable compatible versions for both these packages? Can you also suggest other modules which we can use for user and rights configuration? thanks


  • It appears to me your mixing extensions.

    Try dektrium/yii2-rbac instead of mdmsoft/yii2-admin,

    Per the dektrium/yii2-rbac docs:

    Integrated with Yii2-user - flexible user management module
