I am having the hardest time figuring out how to properly format a graphql api mutation POST request in php.
If I hard code the string and use it as the data in my POST request it works like this:
'{"query":"mutation{addPlay(input: {title: \"two\"}){ properties { title } } }"}'
But if I have a php array of the input values:
$test_data = array(
'title' => 'two'
I can't seem to format it correctly. json_encode also puts double quotes around the keys which graphql is rejecting with the error Syntax Error GraphQL request (1:26) Expected Name, found String
I ultimately need a solution that will convert a larger more complex array to something usable.
Reformatting the query allowed me to use JSON directly.
So my new query looks like this:
$test_data = array(
'title' => 'two'
$request_data = array(
'query' => 'mutation ($input: PlayInput) { addPlay(input: $input) { properties { title } }}',
'variables' => array(
'input' => $test_data,
$request_data_json = json_encode($request_data);
Then the $request_data_json
is used in a POST http request.