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Output php processing instruction inside attribute value

In my XSLT (2.0 - the output method is html) I have this:

    <xsl:attribute name="href">
        <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&lt;?php echo get_url(); ?&gt;</xsl:text>

The output I want is as follows:

<img href="<?php echo get_url(); ?>">

The output I get is as follows:

<img href="<?php echo get_url(); ?&gt;">

Tried a bunch of different things to get the ">" coming out in the output instead of &gt; (CDATA marked sections etc.) but nothing seems to work. Strange that the less than sign works fine, but the greater than doesn't. I'm using Saxon-PE


  • Use a character map with some characters you don't need elsewhere, here is an example ( adapted from the XSLT 2.0 spec:

    <img href="«?php echo get_url(); ?»"/>


    <xsl:output method="html" use-character-maps="m1"/>
    <xsl:character-map name="m1">
        <xsl:output-character character="«" string="&lt;"/>
        <xsl:output-character character="»" string="&gt;"/>

    Online example is at

    As for disable-output-escaping, it does not work in attribute values as far as I know, that result that you get is not the result of disable-output-escaping but just the use of xsl:output method="html" ( mandating 'The HTML output method MUST NOT escape "<" characters occurring in attribute values.'.