I have the following code that works:
var Path = require('path')
var Phantomjs = require('phantomjs2')
var phantomjsPath = Phantomjs.path
var childArgs = [
Path.join(__dirname, 'phantomjs-worker.js'),
'http://...some login url...',
3000, //login timeout
'http://...some address to render as image...',
5000, //address timeout
'...output image file path...',
1000, //page width
1000, //page height
1234 //some id
var child = Proc.spawn(phantomjsPath, childArgs, { cwd: process.cwd() })
Inside phantom-worker.js:
var argsOffset = 0;
var login = system.args[argsOffset + 1];
var logintimeout = system.args[argsOffset + 2];
var address = system.args[argsOffset + 3];
var addresstimeout = system.args[argsOffset + 4];
var output = system.args[argsOffset + 5];
var pageWidth = parseInt(system.args[argsOffset + 6]);
var pageHeight = parseInt(system.args[argsOffset + 7]);
var pageId = system.args[argsOffset + 8];
I need to be able to pass in
--ignore-ssl-errors=true --ssl-protocol=tlsv1
as well.
I tried adding these as the first 2 arguments but it doesn't work. It starts looking for the output image file path for some reason and obviously fails.
Is there any way to pass in these command line arguments along with the script and its child arguments?
The following works as expected. The error was not in this part of the code. Rather, the phantom process was exiting due to memory issues causing the rendered image file to be not created.
var Path = require('path')
var Phantomjs = require('phantomjs2')
var phantomjsPath = Phantomjs.path
var childArgs = [
Path.join(__dirname, 'phantomjs-worker.js'),
'http://...some login url...',
3000, //login timeout
'http://...some address to render as image...',
5000, //address timeout
'...output image file path...',
1000, //page width
1000, //page height
1234 //some id
var child = Proc.spawn(phantomjsPath, childArgs, { cwd: process.cwd() })
var webpage = require('webpage'),
system = require('system');
var login = system.args[1];
var logintimeout = system.args[2];
var address = system.args[3];
var addresstimeout = system.args[4];
var output = system.args[5];
var pageWidth = parseInt(system.args[6]);
var pageHeight = parseInt(system.args[7]);
var pageId = system.args[8];