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Make distinction between inner and outer NA's in a raster in R

In R, how could I make the distinction between inner and outer NA's in a raster with some shape having NA's both around but also inside?

In the example below, how could I for exemple select only the NA's outside the R logo (i.e., how can I make everything which is included in the circle of the logo appear as white)?

r <- raster(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster"))
r[r>240] = NA
plot(r, main='r')
plot(, main="")

enter image description here


  • You don't really have many options. This type of analysis usually requires some more elaborate methods. Here however is a simple workaround using the clumpfunction:

    #your inital code
    r <- raster(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster"))
    rna <- rc <- r
    rna[r>240] = NA
    #reclass values <=240 to NA (needed for clump function. 
    #Here, NAs are used to seperate clumps)
    rc[r<=240] <- NA
    rc <- clump(rc)
    #what you get after applying the clump function
    #are homogenous areas that are separated by NAs. 
    #Let's reclassify all areas with an ID > 8. 
    #In this case, these are the areas inside the ring.
    rc_reclass <- rc
    rc_reclass[rc_reclass>8]  <- 100
    #let's do some plotting
    plot(r, main='r')
    plot(, main="")
    plot(rc, main="clumps")
    plot(rc_reclass, main="clumps reclass")

    enter image description here