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Can anyone explain the difference between expression, ng-bind and ng-model?

I am very confuse between expression {{}}, ng-bind and ng-model. please explain with example if possible.


  • ng-bind and ng-model both are the inbuilt directives in Angular.

    While ng-bind helps you to bind a value to innerHTML of an element, ng-model helps you bind the data to the interactive elements (i.e. <input>, <checkbox>, <textarea>), you got it..



    If you have $scope.textFromComponent = "Superman" in your controller.

    <span ng-bind="textFromComponent"></span> binds this value within this span element.

    {{ }}

    The same behaviour can be achieved using {{}}.

    These set of curly-brackets are called Interpolation directives and they work as a short-hand to ng-bind. While using them you no more need to write ng-bind rather you directly bind them. Like:



    <input ng-model="textFromComponent" />

    binds this value to the value property of your input element. This binds the value two-way which means if you make any changes to $scope.textFromComponent in your code, it will reflect on screen automatically. At the same time, if user makes any change to it ( since they are interactive elements, user can change them) the changed value will be passed to your code.