I have an 'int_tester' CMake project that makes use of ExternalProject_Add
for its 'drv' dependency. Now, this 'drv' is also built using CMake, and it uses a parent directory in its include_directories(). Trouble is that I do not know how to copy this parent folder inside ExternalProject_Add()
Directory structure is like:
| |-int_tester
| |-drv
CMakeLists.txt for drv looks like:
add_library(SPT_driver STATIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.c)
PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../common/include/
CMakeLists.txt for int_tester like:
add_executable(int_tester ...)
add_library(drv_import STATIC IMPORTED) #phony lib
add_dependencies (drv_import drv_ext) #link phony lib to the external proj
ExternalProject_Get_Property(drv_ext install_dir) #find out where the external proj is installed
set_property(TARGET drv_import PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${install_dir}/src/drv_ext-build/obj/drv.a) #so that the phony lib can have a target
include_directories(${install_dir}/src/drv_ext/api) #and to make current executable dependent on api .h and .a of the externally built lib
target_link_libraries(int_tester drv_import)
As one can see, drv depends on ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../common/include/
When 'int_tester' builds 'drv' (via ExternalProject_Add
), folder ../../common/include/
cannot be found (it is not brought it by ExternalProject_Add
). Even if I add another fake ExternProject for this common folder, its directory structure will not match the one expected by CMakeLists.txt
of 'drv'.
What am I missing, please?
If you want to build 'drv' using IP/drv
as its source directory, explicitely specify SOURCE_DIR option for ExternalProject_Add
Without this option, source directory is deduced from PREFX (see documentation for exact algorithm of that deduction).
Option URL for ExternalProject_Add
denotes directory, which should be copied into the source one. If you do not want to copy, do not use that option.