I've only a basic knowledge of 3D Max. I'm creating a plane using MaxScript, converting it to an editable Poly and then extruding certain faces. The thing is, I only have 16 faces to work from. Is there a way to have more than 16 faces?
You would have to define it before you do your conversion to poly.
The syntax shown in the listener for adding segments is:
$.lengthsegs = 20
$.widthsegs = 20
So for your script just add this right below your line where you define your plane:
yPlane.lengthsegs =20 --any number of segments
yPlane.widthsegs = 20 --any number of segments
this makes it more "bulletproof", since when using $ it means any selected object.
By using "yplane" variable we make sure it only affects this object.